12:27 PM Asia/Bangkok

Server Info


Available Server:
Channel 1 [Non-PVP]
Channel 2 [PVP]

  • No donation
  • Play to Earn
  • Free server bot
  • Offline vending
  • Original Gameplay from Mirinae
  • Weekly Siege war
  • Season Tournaments
  • 6 Class (Knight, Necromancer, Micko, Sorcerer, Assassin, Cleric)
  • Party Leveling Gameplay
  • Farm Based
  • Monsters have a fast respawn time
  • No items drop upon death
  • No guards in game
  • Unlimited use of arrow bombs and skulls
  • Unlimited equipment durability
  • Auto-activate pet attack/defense effects
  • Limit of a maximum of 5 connections per IP address